Just spent two hours typing out my hearts deepest thoughts and my brain's most enlightening emotions only to have my computer shut off in the middle of it. Thankfully I had been saving my work but when I logged back on (the netbook overheated and shut off to save itself from a meltdown) my work hadn't been saved at all! What a pain!
So I'll recap. I'm ready for the IBO (initial blog offering) tomorrow so if you're reading this I've actually followed through on sending around the link. I'm just a little uneasy about sharing though (no I'm not an only child) because I wonder how people will judge me and what they will think of what I'm doing. It shouldn't really matter but putting yourself into the space of becoming an open book isn't just a switch you throw. I think its a perspective you learn and writing from that perspective is key. Otherwise you'll just be reading my diary and that will be dull.
Spent all day working in the garage. I'll update with pics tomorrow.
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