Monday, October 31, 2011

Pizza again!

I love pizza! Thought this places catch phrase was well catchy..


California, not the vacuum :-)

Just completed the most amazing set of twisty roads ever! Route 1 North of Fort Bragg was out of The scenery has really changed too. From the mostly brown areas of Southern Cali to green, green, green! The trees are becoming massive as well. Probably only natural since I'm approaching the Red Wood National Forest. I'm hoping to stay somewhere close to the park if possible. Should be pretty amazing. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Doran State Park near Bodega Bay

Just checked into Doran. So far Route 1 aka the Pacific Coast Highway has been a real treat. Its also has its "bummer zones" as I starter calling them. A bummer zone is when the road goes from beautiful twisty mountain roads to three lane highway. Otherwise its been grreat and after a few hours you really get a feel the road. As a rider you start understand the ebb and flow and can really start to enjoy the ride. It may sound strange but the roads illness the west coast are just different. Its like they have their own personality.

Put that thought on pause because I'm watching the a sliver of a moon sink beneath the horizon.

This morning was awesome. First thing I did was watch a bunch of sea lions sleep on the beach. At first I just thought there were a few then as I looked down the coast line I saw it was a whole community of them! Pics will follow as they are on my camera. Then just a bunch of coastal road. I suppose if I was more of a beach lover I'd have appreciated all of the coastal views a bit more but I can still appreciate the scenery even if its just a bunch of sand and water :-) I will say its as if someone took the mountains of Colorado and the rock formations from Utah and just jammed it all against the Pacific Ocean. Pretty spectacular actually.

Looking forward to good nights rest and more miles tomorrow! 

San Fran

Well, San Fran you look lovely but I must be going. Lots of bike lanes, trolly lanes, turn right only, turn left only, even moto parking all over.

By the way, a little Pacific Coast highway tip: if you must get gas on the parkway try and wait until Carmel.  There is a small Mobile station that does ask for your left leg when you go to pay. All the other stations were 5.65 for a gallon of gas. Mobile was normal 4.19 a gallon.

Another little tip: watch of for the trolly tracks in San Fran! They are an eye opener if you don't!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

And so it begins...

The Pacific Coast! OK, I did get my feet wet in Malibou but I suppose this is really more of a milestone. I mean, Blue Ridge Parkway, then there was the middle states and the great anticipation of Colorado, the shockingly pretty and vast state of Utah (aka the mind blower) and now this!

Pit stop!

Just popped into Santa Maria Harley Davidson for a wheel balance. The front wheel with the new tire had a bit of bounce to it so I thought what could it hurt to ask. Rick the service manager did it for free!  Super thankful of his help and hopefully the front end should feel much better!

Anyone know what's goin on here?

New Tire

Well after waiting a week for the new tire to arrive its finally here and installed. The tire arrived Friday night and went on with minimal effort. I had to pick up a special tool to remove the front axle. Its actually a 22 mm hex shaped tool from Motion Pro. Then removing the the front brakes the front wheel fell right out. Working the bead with some soapy solution to aid the old tire slipping off and the new tire slipped right on. The only problem arose when trying to get the bead of the tire to pop onto the rim. Even with what I thought was a pretty sturdy burst of air from a neighbors air compressor the bead still didn't pop on so its off this morning to have a tire shop give it a try.

Tire is all mounted and its time for breakfast!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cycling 101 and 80's rock

Steel Panther. Thats the name of the 80's tribute band we went and saw on Monday night. They also do a few of there own songs that are really more like comedy rock with the sound of 80's metal. Either way the show was funny, over the top, a little bit vulgar and delightfully refreshing.

I've had a chance to go two bicycle rides in the area and they have been awesome as well. Yesterday heading into the Santa Monica Mountains was like leaving a small European town and riding off into the Alps. The fog was laying on the parts of the mountain sides like a blanket with the jagged edges still poking out. The canyon roads here are to an east coast kid a dream come true. They just cut through the mountain and balance themselves between each side of a cliff. Way better than just about anything I've ever ridden (don't worry, the roads in Flanders are still more magical) but nothing tops that feeling of hitting switchback after switchback.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Picture Catch Up

Lots of pics to upload today and get caught up on.

So I was going to take this route 14 in Utah across to Zion National Park but the road was closed due to a rock slide. So just hung out before the road closed signs and grabbed a few pics.

Despite the road really being closed I really wanted to have a go at it but I used my better judgement and turned around. I ended up talking to a guy at a local motorcycle shop and he gave me an alternative route to check out.

After driving about 45 mins in the wrong direction I was finally able to start heading towards Zion again. This route would take me past Brian's Head, a big ski area in Utah and eventually to the park on all back roads. 

This i s the road that leads you past all the ski resort areas and cabins for rent. Also passed a few spots designated for putting on chains. Thankfully I wouldn't be needing any of that nonsense.

After driving along and comparing my map with my surroundings I was pretty much on point for figuring out I was very near Brian's Head. In fact just up the road I would find a dirt road with a sign that said "Brian's Head - 3 Miles" with an arrow pointing to a dirt road. So off I was!

It was so quiet up here. Nobody around.

Life at the top of Brian's Head.

On the way back down I had to grab a pic of these dead trees just frozen in time.

After making my way down from Brian's Head and then back on the road I came across a few points to take in this canyon. I haven't a clue what the name of this place is. It will be one of those things I check out after my trip.

Finally to Zion National Park. I'm glad I came in from the top and not from the bottom. The traffic from the other way was crazy.

Blasting through one of the long tunnels dug through the rock. I wish this one came with sound!

After Zion it was time to hit the road. After a few hours I ended up staying at Quail Creek State Park (from an earlier post).

The next day would be all highway miles as it was time to get a move on get to Cali already. I would be taking 15 South and passing Las Vegas, the Majave Dessert and then LA.

The Majave Dessert was hot! Probably not hot by desert terms but 98 degrees was enough for me. The first pic below is the area along the highway where you can see just part of the Majave National Dessert. The second pic is the temp readout on my bike. Warm indeed. 


Finally it was time for some dinner and I couldn't pass up eating at the Cali famous "Jack In the Box." All in all it wasn't that bad. Way better than  big arches! I'd be on the road again though and making my way towards Calabasas. Where I still am today waiting for a new front tire for my bike. Should be here Wednesday and then hopefully I can install it then and be on the Pacific Coast Highway for the final leg of my trip. I'm really enjoying just hanging out though. Albeit all the road adrenaline has worn off and know I just feel like I need a nap every few hours. I was able to get in a nice road ride (bicycles!) and seeing the area from a bicycle was great. Nothing like Alp like climbs and beautiful weather to set the scene for my introduction to California.