Saturday, October 15, 2011

Arkansas, Oklahoma and now Texas

 I guess I forgot about Alabama too. Here are two pics from the welcome rest stop along the highway. Don't remember which one. It already feels like so long ago.

Here are two more pics from Mississippi camp ground. Again don't remember what the name was (I know its in an earlier post). 

It was thumbs up as I was setup and read to go before the rain started. Now all I had to do was make some dinner and get ready for bed. I actually didn't mind sitting in a tent while it was raining. I think I ended up spending about 3 hours on my phone just checking email, sending texts mapping out all the good stuff to come. 

Playing around with the flash settings on my camera. I stopped because I starting thinking about some scary movies and the last thing I wanted was a photo of my bike and a strange creature looking back at me. 

It was a wet morning....

The next day was great thought. It was sunny and I was on the road to visit Memphis. Well, not really a visit more like a take the highway and keep going through kind of stop. I did get one picture. Probably doesn't do the city justice but that's just my opinion. This was at the end of route 78 (Future 22W). 

Then it was Arkansas. Hot Springs in fact. This is a quick pic from the Hot Springs National Park. 

And more proof I was there...

If it wasn't for blowing by Hot Springs I wouldn't have found this. Funny how I meet this guy who's daughter lives in Boston. That is the third time this trip I've meet someone that has family in Mass. I guess she's an FBI agent or something and her husband is also working for the FBI. Apparently he was the lead detective on bringing down that Whitie (sp?) guy.

Here are a few more pictures from the park.

The Sisino Estate. 

Now don't be alarmed at the pictures below. I know it may seem dangerous to take photographs while riding but don't worry, I had the throttle open so I wouldn't fall over :-) These are all from Oklahoma. I crossed the state yesterday and actually started to find the area kinda nice. I mean wasn't thinking of moving there but there is something about the wide open spaces that started to emerge that are appealing to the eye.

Here is looking at you! 

Anyone notice how flat it's getting? 

18 Wheelers...blah. 

Gas at Loves in OK (forgot where). But I did introduce myself to someone...

Ladies this one is for you. She goes by the name "BlackIEC" (pronounced black ice) and she's got a Honda motorcycle in the Automobile Museum Hall of Fame in Ohio. It has over 250,000 miles on it and she's ridden it through every single US state including Alaska and Hawaii.  She was just on her way to a 35th high school reunion when I caught up with her to get gas. We chatted for awhile and then she was off. She was super friendly and in great spirits. Funny cause this opened the door to another few conversations while I was eating some snacks (granola bar and a banana for you worrying about my diet). It was nice just chatting it up with random people and even the truckers were impressed and happy to grab my atlas and start showing me some roads to think about.

 After Loves gas station it was about 150 miles to go until Amarillo. Here the sun sets on Oklahoma...

Welcome to Texas! 

No, I didn't stop at a playground. This is the welcome rest stop. It was so nice it could have been really nice park. 

And then welcome to the Big Texan in Amarillo. I'll get up some more pics of the outside later but its almost time for me to check out so I need to pack up and bail asap!

Today its off to Colorado...

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